** The Kind Of Review That All Authors Dream
About Receiving **
The Spectrum
8 Literary
Awards, 92% five-star reviews
"Wow, what a
book! It's a wild, white-knuckle ride,
pedal to the metal right from page one, never letting up. I'm very impressed by your book's
ambition and scope, by the intricacies of your plotting, by your relentless pacing, your
handling of action, and by your grasp of the technical and procedural details that bring such
authenticity to the story. Your writing shows real authority and bravura
Congratulations on this outstanding
thriller, and thanks for so kindly sending me a
-- Ted
Tally, Academy Award Winning Screenwriter
of The Silence of the
Lambs. Ted Tally also won the Writers Guild of America Award, Chicago Film Critics Award and an Edgar Award from the Mystery Writers of America. After
declining to write the screenplay for the sequel, Hannibal, Tally returned to the Hannibal Lecter franchise
to write Red
Dragon. His other scripts include White Palace, Before and
After, The Juror and All the Pretty Horses. Tally is also credited as an associate producer for Mission to Mars , as well
as creative consultant for Madagascar and story consultant for Shrek 2. Tally is originally from North Carolina and educated at Yale College and the Yale
School of Drama, where he has taught at each of

2017 UPDATE:
The Spectrum Conspiracy Wins Two More Literary

Rock Hill, SC author, Craig Faris’ début novel wins its
seventh and eight literary awards.
The Reader's
Favorite International Book Award Contest has recognizedThe
Spectrum Conspiracy as the Gold Metal winner
for Best Suspense Fiction in its 2016 international book competition, and earlier this year, the
4th Annual Beverly Hills International Book Awards chose The Spectrum
Conspiracy as their Best Suspense Novel.
Craig and his wife, Deena, traveled to Miami, Florida in late November to accept the Readers’
Favorite gold metal and certificate.

The 2016
Readers' Favorite featured thousands of contestants from over a dozen countries. They are fully
accredited by the BBB (A+ rating), which is a rarity among Book Review and Book Award Contest
companies. In addition to reviewing for some of the biggest names in the literary industry, the
Readers’ Favorite award contest features entries from new authors to NYT best-sellers, as well as
celebrities like Jim Carrey and Henry Winkler.
Read more:http://www.spectrumconspiracy.com/public_

Congratulations, you're the
Winner of Best Suspense Novel, in the 2016, 4th Annual Beverly Hills Book
It is our great pleasure to inform you that you
are a Winner in the 4th Annual Beverly Hills International Book Awards. Your book truly
embodies the excellence that this award was created to celebrate, and we salute you and your
fine work.
The lists of winners and finalists are
also highlighted on our website. Be sure to go to www.beverlyhillsbookawards.com and see
your name and book cover among those of the other proud winners and finalists.
The entire team at the Beverly Hills Book
Awards sincerely hope your participation in our contest will serve you well in creating the success
your book deserves. You have our warmest congratulations.
Ellen Reid, President
& CEO, Beverly Hills Book Awards
* Best Selling
Author of more than 115 books, Donald Bain, sent this letter about The Spectrum Conspiracy
"Hello Craig, First, my apologies for taking so long to
respond to your email. I've been swamped with deadlines, and have also been traveling. I'm
behind catching up with everyone.
Here's what happened with THE SPECTRUM
CONSPIRACY. I read 3/4 of it and loved what I read. I admit that it's the
sort of fast-paced, complex thriller that is at odds with the sort of novels I write, which tend to
be slower-moving. After reading 3/4 of the novel I got sidetracked with a lot of reading I had to
do for research and put the book aside. The end result? It ended up buried under piles of other
books. Your email caused me to remember it and I finished reading the past two nights.
You're a hell of a good writer. But as I said earlier its unrelenting
momentum became for me, to be honest, a little overwhelming. I admire your ability to write
with such force and pacing. I sometimes wish that I could do it.
Anyway, Craig, my apologies again. THE
SPECTRUM COMSPIRACY is a damn good techo-thriller (Tom Clancy and Craig Thomas would
admire it were they still around.)
Bain is the author or ghost/author of
more than 115 books, many of them bestsellers. Among his books, the airline
comedy, Coffee Tea or
Me?, published more than 40 years
ago, together with its sequels sold more than 5-million copies worldwide and was the basis of a television movie-of-the-week. He, along with
his wife, Renée Paley-Bain, and the purely fictitious mystery writer, Jessica Fletcher,
currently write a series of 43 original novels (hard and softcover) based on the TV series.
It's called, "Murder, She
Killer Nashville Mystery and Thriller Conference
I just wanted to let you know that I
attended the Killer Nashville Mystery and Thriller conference in Tennessee on August 22-24,
2014, because my novel, The Spectrum Conspiracy, was one of seven
finalists in the 2014 Silver Falchion
Award for thrillers published in 2013. While it didn’t win the top honor, I’ve
heard that it placed near the head of the list in the category for Attending Authors, which had nearly 300 entries. The
Silver Falchion Award contest was open to all
types of mysteries, thrillers and suspense novels and attracted entries from authors such as
Jeffery Deaver, Stephen King, David Baldacci, Dean Koontz, Sue Grafton, and Ann Perry to name
a few out of a total of over 1000 entries in all categories. Thankfully, I wasn’t competing
against any of those. It was a great conference with about 400 attendees and also had
speakers and workshops on screenwriting as well. http://www.killernashville.com/2014-silver-falchion-award-finalists/
While I was at my book signing, a
lady approached my table and while she was buying my book, she said that her first cousin was
Thomas Harris, the author of The Silence of the
Lambs and she had read Ted Tally’s blurb on my cover. I told her I would be happy
to give her a copy if she would send one to Mr. Harris. J But she said, they were not that close any more and
he was now in Florida.
I also just heard that one of my short stories, Den of Rhyme is a finalist in the William Faulkner Pirates Alley contest this
November and that another story, House of Ruth is a short-list finalist in the same
The Spectrum Conspiracy is now available for the
NOOK and KINDLE edition
e-book readers. The trade paperback is on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Books-A-Million websites. To receive a signed copy
visit the Booknack book store 742 Anderson Rd, in Rock Hill, SC or contact
posted 1/14/2013 CSF
********** THE RESULTS OF
My Booksigning on Saturday,
Feb 8, 2014
I sold 6 copies of my novel and had four old friends drop by to wish me
well and to buy books. Jimmy and Lisa Dale bought three copies, Drew Rade bought a copy and
Todd Robertson and his girlfriend, Courtney Dewyer stop by to have me sign their copy. There
was one walk-in, Marcy Ceorlet, who also decided to buy a copy. So all-in-all it was a
My first, ever book
signing on Saturday,
Dec. 29th at The BookKnack in Rock Hill,
We sold 20 books all together. 17 from the Booknack and 3 bought online that I signed. Thanks to
Pam A, Carolyn L, Jeryl C, Mom, Karen & Lauren H, Betty B, Betty R, Mike F, Susan B,
Laverne H, Lona G, Ed G, Pete H, Heiko B, Tom & Barb F, Pat & Deb Z, Joe H, for
coming by and allowing me to sign your books.
It truly was my pleasure.
You Can follow the latest news about The Spectrum
Conspiracy on my
Facebook Fan Page
Here is the video featuring The
Spectrum Conspiracy
from WBTV on Arden's Book Club pick
for March 2018.
If you are a member, or a friend of a member of a book club in your area, please consider her
recommendation or your club this coming year.
I will be more than willing to attend and speak at any book club
within a reasonable driving distance of Charlotte, NC area.
Hear our latest PodCast interview
about The Spectrum Conspiracy with nationally acclaimed
Burke Allen on BlogTalk Radio out of
Washington DC. in April 2017
Hear a 30 Minute Radio Interview about The Spectrum
January 29, 2014, with Manning Kimmel on WRHI's Straight Talk
The Spectrum Conspiracy
' trade paperback is now live
on Amazon.com,
Barnes and Noble.com (BN.com) Books-A-Million.com The
final page count was 372 pages and measure 6" x 9" tall with a 3/4" spine. The e-books are now
available for Nook, Kindle. Other formats such as I-pad and other e-readers will be available
I'll keep you posted if they show up on Amazon and in other
posted 1/2/2013 CSF